Nobody gives a shit.


It's been a long time since I wrote a blog post. There's obviously a reason for that, I had my 2nd Semester exams. The situations were epic. We were informed 10 days before the exams, those subjects were taught 10 months back. It was pretty tuff I mean you know right how engineering education works these days.

I was very very scared and confused. 10 days out of 2 days were wasted in complaining and figuring out ways in which the government may cancel exams. And all the student stuff. Studying before 10 days is also an art and I am definitely not the artist.  Mostly I am the type of guy who prepares in advance. 

I was very anxious and started to speak rubbish about everything. The main reason was the fear of failure. The main thing that I did not observe and what most of you don't realize is NOBODY ACTUALLY GIVES A SHIT. Trying to work as much as possible in the left out time is the only ideal thing which we can do. 

Complaining, Crying, Figurining alternatives will not at all help you because nobody cares what you are going through or want others to think about you. Expecting sympathy will give you nothing but only temporary relief but remember it does not solve your problem. Work is the variable of success. Nobody can take that from you. 

In my perspective, you know how the world works? let me give an example, suppose you lose a job 2 people show some sympathy and 3 people feel happy ( Obviously not on the face). We are different, this might sound wrong to you because you have your own perspective. 

In the end, 

Believe me, Nobody gives a shit.  

Hope you find it good reading.

Happy new year :)


Mechanical Engineer | Business strategist | Startup Enthusiast 

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