There are many situations when people around you show interest in you life rather than there own life. we get lot of free advise and suggestions in our everyday life. I agree some of them are really helpful but we usually get such advises when we ask. But most of them are not worth taking. I had lots of them around me which had an impact on my life too.

We have our own plans and ideas but by saying unwanted stuff a second thought will be created which eventually ruins the primary thoughts. It creates a complex which is surround by more options and becomes hard to choose one. There are people who really give you best advice but only if we ask for it.

When I was in my 12th grade, as I mentioned in my last blog that I was always passionate about automobile & Mechanical Engineering but as that was the crucial time to decided all the future. People started following up on me and some of them degraded what I wanted to do and came up with there advice to pursue "Computer Science Engineering" because it has lot of scope and all extremely attractive metrics. I don't even remember how many times I heard this, At a point of time I had to think of choosing an alternative. There were many situations during selecting a right college etc. 

Even from the opposite perspective, They maybe giving advice for various reasons but making sure what impact will it create on receiving end matters a bit. Each and every time one might not require an advice. We usually ask an advice when we ourselves create a complex situation and to get out of it one valid advice is enough.

However, We get some if we try to ignore but there is nothing to do with it. There is a saying in Hindi.


  This was not possible in my case but it can help others.

Hope you'll find it good reading.

Aditya Sharma.


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